Gibson Ek
As a reminder: this Friday, January 24 is an Early Release day. Dismissal is at 11:50 a.m. Buses depart Gibson Ek shortly after. Lunch will NOT be served.
We want to take a moment to share an important reminder regarding the health and well-being of our students and staff during this flu season. As we have recently seen an increase in confirmed flu cases in our community, it is essential to take necessary precautions to help prevent the spread of illness within our school. More information here.
It's application season at Gibson Ek! If you know an 8th-grade student who lives in the Issaquah School District who might be interested in attending, please direct them to our website where they can find the application and information about upcoming events.
Reminder that students are attending exhibitions on Tuesday, Jan 21 and Thursday, Jan 23 from 8:50 to 12:30. Only students with a scheduled Running Start or WANIC class are excused. All internships will resume Tuesday, January 28.
The Counseling and Student Well-Being Team with the Family Partnerships Team will host a virtual presentation for K-12 families about supports and resources available for students experiencing academic challenges, physical/health concerns and social/emotional needs. Details and link to register is enclosed.
We’re pleased to share that our new Immigration & Refugee Resources page is now live on our website, offering information and support for all families in our district. The page outlines key protections and policies, including newly adopted Regulation 4300: Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools, which underscores our commitment to creating a safe, welcoming environment where every child — regardless of immigration status — can thrive.
Looking for ways to learn about the proposed February 11 bond measure? Today we're sharing about several events you're invited to attend, along with a fact sheet and details about how to get answers to any bond questions you may have.
Our Before and After School Care team is surveying families to determine how much interest there is in a potential summer camp program for middle school students. Details and survey link enclosed.
Join School Board President Marnie Maraldo and Board Director Sydne Mullings for the first episode of "School Board Chats," a new publication that will be distributed via video, website, social media and also by podcast. The directors share about the role of School Board directors and funding, including how bonds and levies fit into the larger picture of district finances.
Next month, our district will upgrade the student information system from Skyward 2.0 to Skyward “Qmlativ.” District staff have been working to prepare for this transition for more than a year. This upgrade will improve functionality across student information, payroll, finance and human resources.